Without the help of our clients and partners we would have never reached this level of insight and professionalism. Because of our clients we were able to experiment, learn and grow. The projects we do can be massive and low budget BUT the results are profound. We always gather meaningful information about human nature in a professional context and we see ourselves as an ‘information point’ on this matter. Today, over 150,000 people have made the 72 choices. We can focus on 1 of them and go in depth in telling the story of his/her professional personality. Or just as clear and meaningful, we can explain how one population differs from another. Whatever story we tell, we always care about the choices that have to be made about people.Here, we like to present some of the studies and the results. We will keep adding more interesting studies. Glass Ceiling (Full article pdf) Project 1: The glass ceiling

In cooperation with StepStone, we were able to set up a large study regarding sex differences and career opportunities. This study showed clear and remarkable personality differences which aid in the explanation of the invisible barriere women meet in their carreer aka “The glass ceiling”

Glass Ceiling


The “Glass Ceiling effect”, more like a glass castle

We all know there are differences in personality between men and women. So, it’s no surprise we find them as well regarding to the professional personality.

One of the biggest issues on this matter is the fact that only few women climb up to the top of an organization. Another hot topic here is the fact that women earn less than men do for the same job.

How is this possible when ‘equal rights between the sexes’ is already more than half a century a noble goal?

First of all, you must keep in mind that almost all the known ‘workplaces’ are male inventions: School, justice, army, police, government, religion and almost all kind of profit and non-profit organizations, were once set up by men. This means, they are organized and ruled by male standards and even more important, if you want to climb up in these organisations, you have to use male weapons.

So it seems to be more a question of
“How is it possible that some women do succeed to reach the top in this man’s world?” rather then “why there are so few leading ladies”!

Glass Ceiling